Tuesday, August 19, 2008

...EFFeCt Of IlLeGaL sTrEet RaCiNg...



Hello and hey there...("P)
Once again with me, Mohd Shafi Bin Mahadi (A124280) to continue our discussion on the topic of illegal street racing...If in my last post i did mentioned about the factor of illegal street racing, in this brand new post i would like to further our discussion about the effect of illegal street racing...

When we are talking about the effect of illegal street racing, for the sake of this discussion it means the direct effect of what illegal street racing could bring to the people. In my opinion, the people that will be affected by the problem is the that person involved in that activity of course, their family, and the society.
First and foremost, the person or the perpetrator that did involved in the problem..What could happen to them?They could kill somebody by doing it, be killed and bring harms to a large number of people..There are various effect that this fellow daredevil could face when they decided to race. They could be lying in bed due to amputation of part of their body or it can be anything. The shame thing is they don't share the same thought with us and could not put this thing into their consideration before making a step into this activity.
Move on to the their family?What in the heaven could their family face? They could lost their son or daughter, face disgrace or oppression from the people for what their son or daughter had done. The best thing is they don't do anything.It's not their fault entirely. Maybe they can be blame a bit but in the end is the person that pull the trigger is doing what they are doing by their own awareness.
To the society, it could tarnish their image. For example, people will labelling our society with such image. It does leave a stain to us. If you go to the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Street%20racing, people do know about our version of illegal street racing activity where they know about the "mat rempit".
Quoting a part of the article, " These Mat Rempit are infamous for their "Superman" stunts and other feats performed on their motorcycles. They are also notorious for their "Cilok", a kind of racing in which racers weave in-between moving and stationary traffic at high-speed ".Now that you have know, do you feel ashame about what this activity had bring to us.
It is a shame that most people can bare with this situation and close their eyes just like that. As i repeatedly said, if the society could not join hands to wipe out this problem it will be like an epidemic that still attached as part of society...
Till next time, adios...("P) Person that care...

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